Benefits of earning the TRUE Advisor certificate

Published on: 
26 Feb 2018
Jackie Hanzal

GBCI’s TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) program promotes a zero waste economy, in which all discarded items become resources for others to use. TRUE rates how well facilities perform in minimizing their nonhazardous solid waste and maximizing their efficiency in the use of resources. A TRUE Advisor is a professional who is trained on the TRUE Rating System and who promotes and supports zero waste policies and practices.

People from a wide variety of industries and backgrounds will benefit from earning a TRUE Advisor certificate, if they have a desire to grow in the field of sustainability and a commitment to advancing zero waste.

Defining TRUE

Over the past few years, the concept of zero waste gained momentum. Even though many businesses were already talking about their zero waste efforts, they were all saying something different. There was no standard definition of zero waste, which generated a lot of confusion in the market. That’s where TRUE comes into play—with TRUE, we’ve created a standard for what it means to achieve zero waste, and today, TRUE is one of the most comprehensive zero waste certifications available in the market.

TRUE is a whole-systems approach that helps organizations understand how materials flow through their facilities and identify redesign opportunities so that all products are reused. It’s a process that profoundly changes our approach to resources and production. The evidence for the economic, environmental and social benefits that TRUE-certified businesses experience is overwhelming.

For example, businesses and facilities that achieve TRUE certification save money—sometimes to the tune of millions of dollars per year—by reducing waste hauler fees and energy costs, and by earning revenue through resource recovery operations. Businesses also save money by demonstrating their commitment to the environment, which increases their competitive marketing edge. Consumers care about sustainability, and businesses that demonstrate their zero waste efforts can win the hearts of this increasingly informed consumer base.

Where the TRUE Advisor comes in

As more and more businesses recognize the benefits of TRUE certification, the demand for experts to assist businesses in waste diversion and resource recovery is growing. Earning the TRUE Advisor certificate allows individuals to signify their knowledge of the TRUE Rating System, its strategies and its methodologies. As the go-to experts in the certification process, TRUE Advisors lead businesses through best practices, tools for tracking and reporting waste diversion and access to essential TRUE resources.

The benefits of becoming a TRUE Advisor are many. As a TRUE Advisor, you will

  • Become a change agent. As businesses pursue TRUE certification, they will need assistance and expertise in the TRUE rating system. By earning the TRUE Advisor certificate, you become a sustainability leader at your company and add an exciting opportunity to your role.
  • Deepen sustainability knowledge for related-industry practitioners. For example, LEED Green Associates, LEED AP with specialty credential holders, waste consultants, property managers, facility managers, sustainability managers and business owners will benefit from a deeper knowledge of waste diversion strategies and methodologies.
  • Network with other TRUE Advisors.TRUE Advisors will be included in the TRUE Advisor directory and will have the opportunity to make meaningful connections within the zero waste and sustainability industry. 
  • Increase the competitive edge for emerging professionals and students. A TRUE Advisor certificate signifies to employers that certificate holders have knowledge and expertise in the TRUE rating system, which gives TRUE Advisors a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Earn the trust and gain the business of TRUE-certified organizations. Service providers who will want to align their strategies with TRUE to earn the business of TRUE-certified organizations include waste, recycling and composting companies; food service providers; waste tracking and billing management companies; and packaging providers.
  • Learn strategies to make positive impacts in purchasing. Purchasing agents, such as human resource and accounting/management professionals, will gain knowledge and strategies to make positive environmental and economic impacts in their company through purchasing decisions.
  • Earn CE hours for LEED credential maintenance. Earn GBCI CE hours that you may be able to apply toward other professional credential renewals. Individuals who successfully complete the TRUE Advisor certificate program will earn 7.5 GBCI CE hours.
  • Promote sustainability and social responsibility. TRUE has far-reaching environmental, social and health effects on our society. By joining the TRUE movement, you are helping to promote the mission of waste diversion and its environmental and public health benefits.
  • Promote consumer awareness. TRUE promotes a zero waste economy in which all discarded resources become resources for others to use. Consumers play a big role in driving a zero waste economy.

How to get started

Download and review the TRUE Advisor Certificate Program Handbook found in the resource section of the TRUE website. Visit the registration page to get started with the TRUE Advisor certificate program. If you have questions, please visit our FAQs or contact us.

Register to begin the program

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